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Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

My Summary:

Vin is a street urchin harboring extremely good ‘Luck.’ When officials are alerted that she may possess above average skill she is hidden away by someone who wants to help her, that has been watching her from afar. He can use Vin to overthrow the corrupt government and teach her how to hone her abilities. Is he using her? Is she using him? Will they win?

My Review:

This book is great for those who love fantasy and want a little less romance involved. It is political but not absurdly so and very action-packed in a behind-the-scenes way. I loved learning about the lore and the end was SO GOOD. I think this could easily be made into a movie or TV series. I am already starting the next book in this series and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys high fantasy!

Read this if you like:

-high fantasy


-found family

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