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The Only One Left by Riley Sager

My Summary:

A recently-accused-of-murder caretaker accepts the only job available to her: taking care of another accused murderer. The question: are they both guilty..and what are their stories?

My Review:

This was truly a 5-Star read for me. I was totally immersed in this spooky, secluded setting. I was totally NOT expecting the multiple twists right at the end of the book. This is one of Sager’s best books. It was somehow more icky and creepy than normal, with a story I genuinely wanted to know, and could hardly believe when I found out! Read this at bedtime if you dare. 😉

You’ll Like This If You Like:

-massive twists

-secluded luxury

-80s vibe

Similar Titles:

-Any Riley Sager Book

-Daisy Darker

-The Death of Mrs. Westaway

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